Your Partner in Growing Your Community

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Any person actively engaged in economic development as a primary (more than 50% of work time) responsibility or assignment within an organization, firm, corporation, or legal entity. Active members have all privileges of membership, including voting rights, eligibility to serve as Board, Committee or Task Force Members.

1 year for 325.00 USD

Any person who has an active interest in economic development. Associate members have all the privileges of membership except to serve as an Officer or Board Member of the Association.

1 year for 325.00 USD

Any person who is retired and not actively seeking work and has at least 5 years of membership history with MEDA. Retired members have all the privileges of membership except voting, holding office as a Board Member, or participating as a Committee or Task Force Chairman. Retired members are encouraged to be available for mentoring opportunities and to serve on committees.

1 year for 65.00 USD

Any person enrolled within a Michigan higher educational institution and not employed on a full time basis by a firm, corporation, organization, or other legal entity. Student members have all the privileges of membership except voting, holding office as a Board Member, or participating as a Committee or Task Force Chairman.

1 year for 75.00 USD
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Corporate Investors

Consumers Energy DTE Logo Small
ITC Logo MEDC 2020 Resized
MSHDA vertical TM Plante Moran Realpoint

Contact Us

Michigan Economic
Developers Association
P.O. Box 15096
Lansing, MI 48901-5096
PH: 517-241-0011

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